Comment posting policy
Last updated: January 26, 2019
Please follow these policies when commenting on public chats:
- Stay on topic. Comments should be about the topic you're reviewing.
- Don't post fake information.
- Don't post content that is sexually explicit or contains profanity.
- Don't post content that is abusive or hateful or threatens or harasses others.
- Don't impersonate any person, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
- Don't post your or other people's private and/or confidential information, such as a physical address or driver's license number, or any other information that is not publicly accessible.
You might also like to follow these guidelines and tips:
- Keep it readable; don't use excessive capitalization and punctuation.
- Post clear, valuable, and honest information.
- Try to include both positives and drawbacks.
- Be nice to others; don't attack others.
- Use proper grammar and check your spelling.
- Make your comments useful and informative